Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Jedi dress the best!

Been a long time but I have found some good examples of how Jedi should and should not dress.

But first another look at those Jedi Faces…

So it’s always easiest to start by looking at what one should not do. The way of the Jedi is simple and always optimistic. This will apply to how you dress as well. You could easily don a black suit and call yourself Jedi, but people will laugh at you and instead call you a ninja. Ninja’s are really cool, but Jedi’s are way cooler! Just think about it…

So here are examples of what not to wear.

Never under any circumstances wear flannel! Don’t even question this statement, just do as the Jedi Code commands!

Ear muffs are a big “no-no” especially when fitted together with a vest of any sort

Floppy hats, or any hat for that matter… have you ever seen a Jedi wear a hat?

Alrighty! Now that we have that cleared out of the way, lets take a look at some steps to actually looking like a Jedi.

First Jedi wear solid colors. Even though black and white are solid colors they are the colors of priests, and Jedi do not consider themselves of higher religion than any other Jewish member! Oh wait… right, um, Buddhists, no… aargh whatever, you shouldn’t wear black or white cause it doesn’t photograph well ok!

Ok then, Jedi would normally wear large coats and such, to hide their light sabers but for our purposes we’re going to forego that. Instead we are going to wear high polypropylene garments that wick away sweat and other icky things that Jedi should not be associated with.

Lastly as a Jedi you should always wear as many logos on your clothing as possible. A Jedi at anytime of any day can point out a minimum of 5 sponsor logos and describe the logo’s that he is currently storing in his back pack incase of emergency, like if he comes across another Jedi that is not wearing 5 or more logos!

Here's a fine example of a Jedi in action! Shirt, Pants, Harness, Chalk bag, Shoes thats 5! not bad

Till then…. Next time we’ll discuss the inner thoughts of a Jedi!

1 comment:

Angela said...

What not to wear for the Jedi. Brilliant!
But earmuffs are ok if its cold.